“The Highest Education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence”
Rabindranath Tagore
Education is a constitutional right of every citizen that prepares an individual to play their role as a sophisticated member of society. The importance of Education can be implied by habituating the lack of its existence.
The importance of education and its significance can be understood through the life of an ignorant and illiterate person, who has never had the chance to visit the school and is experiencing the bane of illiteracy could value the answer to the question-‘ Why is Education an essential factor in our life?’ He/she knows the prominence and importance of Education and its changes in an individual’s life.
The enormous hardship of illiteracy is its constant dependency issue. An illiterate individual depends on others for his/her survival. Education prepares its wings to fly and explore the surroundings while being confident and opportunistic. Education builds individuals, educated individuals build better societies, and better societies build great nations.
Education is the powerful weapon that helps a person to face the adversities and difficulties not only in his own life but in the life of all whom he knows. One can change all his surroundings if he is educated. Mere education without practical knowledge doesn’t have any role in our lives. We have put all our efforts to give theoretical as well as practical knowledge to the children in MPPS so that they can solve all the difficulties they face in their life. The system of education we follow makes a child capable to overcome all the challenges in his life.
We help a child to be a leader in his future.
We have a mechanism to make a child feel homely in our campus and share all his problems and worries. Thus, we touch the hearts of the students to become responsible and well aware citizens of tomorrow to restore the pride and glory of our country.